Pre-employment examination It is a medical examination in order to ensure that the candidate for the job is medically fit and does not suffer from any diseases that may affect the work environment according to a set of clinical, laboratory and radiological examinations in addition to the approved drug examination
Residency and municipality examination Examination of expatriates (residence examination) is carried out according to a medical form specified by the Passports and the Ministry of Health that the expatriate is medically fit and there is no objection to his work for the employer, and then he is linked to a testimonial website
About us Muhammadiyah Medical Complex was established in 2000 under the supervision of a distinguished group of local and international medical expertise with the aim of serving the community in a manner commensurate with their needs. High-quality medical services in various medical specialties, and the Muhammadiyah Medical Complex is constantly expanding in medical and treatment services and keeping abreast of everything new in medical services.
When does Center begin to act
Treatment of chest diseases for children - bedwetting for children - growth retardation diseases - poliomyelitis - pulmonary bacteria - tuberculosis - triple bacterial - measles - quadrivalent virus Laboratory tests for children - chest allergy for children - treatment of gastroenteritis
readmoreAn exceptional Saudi team, well-versed and pioneering in the world of marketing, begins with the development of your project with the aim of giving you the best ideas and creative marketing solutions, we help you advance your project and flourish towards success.
readmoreCosmetic fillings with the best American materials - treatment of the dental nerve with the latest devices - German dental implants (Emax - Lumineer - Sanabel on Smile - Hollywood smile (veneers - Lumineer) - clean and beautifying teeth and gums - all types of fillings and nerve extractions
readmoreMigraine headache treatment and diagnosis The doctors of the ear, nose and throat department at the mohamadia Medical Center have long experiences in diagnosing and treating ear, nose and throat problems, whether medical or surgical. The doctors of the mohamadia Medical Center are experts in diagnosing and treating various diseases that affect the head, neck, ear, nose and throat, in addition to cases of imbalance functions.
readmoreDiagnosing cases of cataract and glaucoma with the latest devices Follow-up of retinal diseases caused by diabetes computer vision scale Follow up and diagnose cases of early strabismus Follow-up and treatment of lacrimal duct obstruction Fundus examination and intraocular pressure measurement Follow-up cases of laser vision correction (LASIK)
readmorePregnancy and childbirth follow-up programs - treatment of late pregnancy problems or problems that occur early in pregnancy - vaginal secretions and bleeding problems - pelvic pain and endometrial infections - treatment of ovarian cysts and menopausal problems - urinary incontinence and overactive bladder - early examination for breast, uterus and ovaries cancer - treatment Osteoporosis associated with menopause - problems of delayed and irregular menstruation - use of all contraceptive methods - natural and cesarean delivery - and cosmetic operations for the vagina
readmoreFollow-up of newly diagnosed diabetes or for a long time with complications - high blood pressure disease and its effect on the heart muscle or kidneys - follow-up of the activity and laziness of the thyroid gland - atherosclerosis and its complications - stomach germs that are intractable to treatment - anemia - and its many problems - treatment of digestive diseases - Electrocardiogram work - TV rays on (abdomen and pelvis - gland - thyroid veins and arteries - breast - prostate) - making the necessary analyzes for early detection of tumors
readmoreAll accurate laboratory tests of all kinds are carried out, such as: routine examinations (liver function - kidney function - lipids - sugar) - tests for monitoring the level of hormones, vitamins, viruses and cancer indicators - tests for sexually transmitted diseases - anemia tests Vitamins (Vitamin D, Vitamin B12)
readmoreRegular X_RAY X-rays - Ultrasound for various body systems - Colure Doppler - 4D sonar
readmoreTreating common diseases and conducting a first medical examination for any symptom - Treating infectious diseases such as hepatitis C and typhoid fever - Treating chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma and gout
readmore(العربية) فحص طبي يقوم بها المواطن أو المقيم عن طريق المراكز المعتمدة من قبل وزارة الداخلية. حيث يتم عمل : تحليل الدم _فحص العين _عليك إحضار بعض الاوراق المطلوبة بطاقة الهوية الوطنية أو نسخة عن الإقامة رخصة القيادة السابقة في حال تجديد الرخصة
Diabetes This term includes a number of disorders characterized by problems with the hormone insulin, which the pancreas normally produces to help the body use sugar and fat and store some of it. As for diabetes, it affects a person when there are problems in the production of this hormone, to raise the level of sugar in the blood